Archivi Parrocchiali



The parish archives of the diocese of Bergamo, are still preserved in the parishes which produced them and remain in direct contact with them.

However, according to article 3.8 of the Statute, the task of the Historical Archive is to “tutelare tutti gli archivi dipendenti dall’Autorità diocesana, fornendo i suggerimenti, le consulenze e la collaborazione necessarie alla realizzazione del disposto del can. 491 § 1 del C.J.C.-il vescovo diocesano abbia cura che anche gli atti e i documenti degli archivi delle chiese cattedrali, collegiate, parrocchiali e delle altre chiese che sono presenti sul territorio, vengano diligentemente conservati e che si compilino inventari e cataloghi in due esemplari, di cui uno sia conservato nell’archivio della rispettiva chiesa e l’altro nell’archivio diocesano-”.

The Diocesan Historical Archives also offer themselves as a focal point to coordinate and facilitate the access and consultation of local documentary heritage, acting as an intermediary between parishes and scholars. In fact, were a scholar to consult the historical section of the archives of any parish in the Diocese, he should make arrangements directly with the parish archivist, or contact the Diocesan Historical Archives by e-mail, specifying the reasons for his research.

In this regard, we wish to underline the fact that the Diocesan Historical Archives already contain the master copy of the archives of parishes abolished in 1805 in the Upper Town (San Michele all’Arco, San Salvatore, Sant’Eufemia, San Lorenzo, San Cassiano, San Pancrazio) and the archives of the parishes of Sant’Agata al Carmine (abolished in 1966) and the Cathedral of S. Alessandro the Martyr.

In addition, the Diocesan Historical Archives can provide space for temporary storage of documentary material coming from the parish or diocesan authorities, who have difficulty ensuring conservation owing to the serious inadequacy of the premises used for storage. Please note that we cannot always ensure the monitoring and advisory service at the time of the consultation of the requested material. Even in this case, please send us an email specifying the amount of material you wish to transfer to our deposits.

Materials to help the parishes (parish priests and workers in parish archives):

Folders-Downloads-iconMODULES for regular access to users who want to see the material preserved in the parish: Regulation; Request for consultation; Application for photo reproductions.

Folders-Downloads-iconArticle “Per la tutela degli archive parrocchiali” in “La vita diocesana,” March 2008, pp.123 ff. -as a result of the constitution also n. 474 of the 37th Diocesan Synod on the parish archives.

Folders-Downloads-iconPractical suggestions: “A proposito di archive parrocchiali: sede, inventario, ordinamento” by Msgr. A. Pesenti, in “La vita diocesana,” an.1958, p. 101-104 and 212-219.

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